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6 Ways to Round Floating Value to Two Decimals in Python


Welcome to our guide on rounding floating-point values to two decimals in Python! In this article, we’ll explore various techniques Python offers to achieve this common programming task. We’ll delve into built-in functions, string formatting options such as f-strings and format(), Python‘s math module for rounding, and the % operator for string formatting. You’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how to round floating-point values to two decimals in Python. Remember, you can also enroll in our free Python course to further enhance your skills!

Round Floating Value

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Using Round() Function

The built-in Python function round() can round a floating-point number to an integer or to a specified number of decimal places. You can specify the number of decimal places you want and the number you want to round using two different inputs.Finally, the function returns the rounded value.

num = 7.234637
rounded_num = round(num, 2)



Using String Formatting

String formatting in Python enables the insertion of values into preset placeholders within a string to create formatted strings. A popular way to format floating-point values is to use the “{:.2f}” format specifier in the.format() method. This specifier essentially rounds the floating-point number to two decimal places during formatting because it formats the floating-point number to display two decimal places.

num = 2.542345
rounded_num = "{:.2f}".format(num)



Using f-strings

F-strings, also known as formatted string literals, make Python string formatting easy and effective. They replaced more complicated and readable string formatting techniques when they were first introduced in Python 3.6.

They allow for easy embedding of expressions, variables, and function calls within string literals by prefixing the content with the letter f or F. During runtime, Python evaluates these strings and replaces them with their corresponding values, enabling flexible formatting and specification of format specifiers. The natural syntax enhances code readability, making it easier to understand and maintain.

num = 4.542345
rounded_num = f"{num:.2f}"



Using Format() Function

Python’s format() function is a flexible tool for formatting strings. It can be used to insert values into specified string placeholders when called on a string object. These placeholders, which are indicated where the associated values will be put, are usually shown as curly braces {}. The format() function’s versatility in handling positional and keyword inputs is one of its strongest points; it offers a flexible way to format and insert values into strings.

num = 8.65456
rounded_num = format(num, '.2f')



Using Math Module

The math module in Python is a key part of the Python Standard Library, providing a range of mathematical functions and constants. It aids in performing complex operations within Python programs, including trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, and constants like π and e. The module also offers functions for rounding, absolute value, and factorial calculations. It is essential for scientific calculations, engineering simulations, and financial modeling.

import math
num = 21.235467
rounded_num = math.floor(num * 100) / 100



Using % Operator

The % operator in Python is a method for creating formatted strings by inserting values into placeholders within a string. This involves using the % operator followed by a tuple or dictionary containing the values to be inserted. The placeholders are represented by %s, %d, %f, and %x, and the % operator dynamically replaces them with the provided values. This method is useful for generating output with variable content in Python applications. However, modern formatting methods like f-strings and the format() function are replacing it.

num = 54.45356

# Using the % operator for string formatting
rounded_num = "%.2f" % num




This guide explores methods for rounding floating-point values to two decimals in Python, including built-in functions like round() and advanced formatting techniques like f-strings and format(). Specific requirements and coding preferences dictate the application of each method, as each offers advantages. Mastering these techniques allows programmers to manipulate floating-point numbers effectively, creating robust and accurate software solutions for various applications.

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