
UVify Sets Guinness World Record for Simultaneous UAV Flight

Drone Guinness World RecordUVify’s Record-Breaking Drone Display Sets New Industry Standard

UVify, a pioneer in swarm drone innovation, has set a new Guinness World Record for the most unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) airborne simultaneously. The historic event unfolded in Songdo, Korea, where UVify orchestrated a display of 5,293 IFO drones illuminating the night sky, marking a significant milestone in drone technology and performance.

Uvifly’s Drone Guiness World Record

The fleet of IFO drones crafted intricate patterns and captivating visuals above the spectators, underscoring UVify’s advanced programming and drone control technology. This record-breaking accomplishment surpassed previous benchmarks and showcased the extensive capabilities of the IFO drones, tailored for impactful entertainment and precision flight.

UVify’s CEO, Hyon Lim, conveyed his excitement about the achievement, emphasizing, “This event was more than just setting a world record; it epitomized the innovative spirit and relentless pursuit of excellence that drive our team at UVify. We are proud to lead the way in drone technology and to showcase our capabilities on the world stage here in Songdo.”

Robert Cheek, UVify’s COO, remarked, “Today’s achievement is a milestone not only for our company but also for the broader potential of UAV technology. The flawless execution of such a large-scale drone show underlines our commitment to excellence and our ability to push the boundaries of what is possible in synchronized drone performance.”

The record-setting event was meticulously coordinated in collaboration with local authorities and air traffic control to ensure safety and compliance with regulatory standards. Each drone executed its maneuvers with precision, reflecting UVify’s dedication to quality and safety in all technological ventures.

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